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Add depth and dimension back into blonde hair with the Reverse Foilayage Technique and tbh – true beautiful honest…

Ashlee Norman Reverse Foilayage with tbh – true beautiful honest
tbh – true beautiful honest vegan hair colour products

Learn how to Reverse Foilayage with Ashlee Norman and tbh – true beautiful honest!

The Reverse Foilayage is a great way to add depth and dimension back into overly processed blondes, and to create a warm tone that isn't brassy. Dive into the technique with Essential Looks Guest Artist and renowned Colourist, Ashlee Norman who uses tbh – true beautiful honest to create a very natural-looking effect that grows out beautifully, thanks to the use of the Tone Softener.

tbh – true beautiful honest Tone Softener

Our tbh – true beautiful honest Tone Softener is a technical tool that dilutes the pigment intensity, while providing additional caring properties. Plus, it can be mixed with any tbh – true beautiful honest shade.

“...I'm choosing to work with the tbh – true beautiful honest line here because it's that perfect hybrid product, somewhere in-between a permanent and a demi-permanent colour, and because you're intermixing it with the Tone Softener it gives you the best of both worlds!”

– Ashlee Norman (@ashleenormanhair), Essential Looks Guest Artist

tbh – true beautiful honest vegan hair colour products

Hair How-To: Reverse Foilayage

Watch and learn how to Reverse Foilayage with tbh – true beautiful honest and Ashlee Norman

Reverse Foilayage

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Disclaimer: some of the application methods shown may deviate from our application recommendations. This is at the hairdresser’s own responsibility and liability. Please always follow our usual application recommendations to achieve an impeccable result.

For the Base, Lowlight and Toning formulas used for this look, please reference the video, where Ashlee is using shades from across our tbh – true beautiful honest colour worlds:

  • Natural – soft neutral hues with touches of chocolate and beige
  • Cool – modern smoky hues that help perfect the underlying warmth
  • Warm – luxury primary reflections, muted by rose undertones


tbh – true beautiful honest vegan hair colour products
Ashlee Norman applying tbh – true beautiful honest base formula to hair

Step 1

Apply base formula at the roots.

Ashlee Norman applying tbh – true beautiful honest lowlight formula to hair

Step 2

Apply lowlight formula to mid-lengths and ends, alternating and leaving sections out.

Ashlee Norman pre-lightening the hair

Step 3

Go back to the sections left out, backcomb and pre-lighten. Process for up to 45 mins.

Ashlee Norman applying tbh – true beautiful honest toning formula to hair

Step 4

Apply toning formula to the hairline first, then through the mid-lengths and ends.

“I love this colour line because it has a lavender base, so even when you're working with the gold and the chocolates you're still going to get a very 'pastelised' – almost mushroom or stone – undertone to your colours. It's very natural, very organic; she could rock this colour for a year and it's going to look like it just grew out!”

– Ashlee Norman (@ashleenormanhair), Essential Looks Guest Artist

Feeling inspired?
For more edutainment and inspiration follow Schwarzkopf Pro on Instagram, along with the talented Ashlee Norman!

tbh – true beautiful honest vegan hair colour products
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