Join us as we explore how to reduce, recycle and reuse in the salon.
It’s no secret that in recent years, there has been a real shift towards sustainability – and the salon is no exception. More customers are supporting companies that are committed to protecting the environment and many salon owners are looking to reduce their own carbon footprint.
When thinking ‘in green’, we consider how everything we do impacts the environment. And that’s where the 3 Rs of Sustainability come into play – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
We’ve all heard these words before; it’s a reliable model that’s been at the core of sustainability for years. So why not apply the same to your salon? To keep costs down and clients coming back, check out our top tips below:
- We often overestimate how much product we actually need when doing a hair colouration. By mixing up smaller quantities throughout the service, you’ll ensure that you’re using only what you need which can save on wastage.
- We’ve all been guilty of not switching our appliance off at the mains, but it might surprise you to realise how much energy curlers, hair dryers and straighteners use, even in standby mode. By hitting the off switch at the mains, you’ll save on any unnecessary energy waste and costs.
- It might not be the most exciting of jobs, but ensuring your boiler is operating efficiently can have a big impact on your energy consumption. With hot water often flowing at the busy backbar, having a newer/eco boiler can make a huge difference to your salon’s energy consumption.
- Go paperless! By going paperless, you help to conserve natural resources and reduce waste. Look to send out digital appointment reminders/receipts, communicate offers and updates on social media and transition to electronic consultation forms which will allow you to organise and receive all client information in a few clicks.
- Reduce the amount of water you’re using in the salon. Whether this is shampooing your clients hair once (instead of twice), ensuring your washing machine is full and set on a shorter cycle with a lower temperature or investing in a shower head, designed to reduce water consumption.
- One of the first things we offer our clients is a drink. By offering hot drinks in a reusable crockery mug, offering instant or filter coffer and not using coffee pods and offering a glass of water instead of a plastic bottle, you can significantly reduce your use of plastic. You can also encourage your clients to bring in their own reusable cup and offer free water bottle refills – highlighting to your clients your commitment to becoming a greener salon.
- During covid times, deposable gloves were crucial at preventing the spread of infections – however, when making green choices, opting to invest in reusable or biodegradable salon gloves, foils and aprons can have a huge impact for both the environment and your pockets.
- It might not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think of reusing salon items, but did you know that over 150 million pounds worth of hair ends up in landfill every year? If you have a client undergoing the ‘Big chop’, you may want to discuss donating their hair with them – providing the length and condition is good enough. There are many charities who request hair to be made into wigs for children with hair loss. Hair clippings and shavings can also be great for compost, so consider donating any hair accordingly!
- Make a fool-proof recycling area in your salon – correctly recycling plastic, glass, metal and aluminium tubes is one of the easiest, yet effective eco-friendly practises.
- Ensure the salon brands you use prioritise sustainability – by switching to clean brands, such as Bonacure, you can be confident of their commitment to keeping your salon green with biodegradable formulas, fast-rinse technology and recycled (...and recyclable!) packaging.
- Looking at having a salon refresh soon? If so, consider donating any unused furniture, salon appliances or hairdressing chairs – get in touch with any local charities or hairdressing colleges who might be keen to take these items.
Discover more tips to increase sustainability in your salon or learn about how we are working towards a more sustainable future with our commitment to innovations in clean beauty – shaping a brighter future together.
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